Sunday, November 29, 2009


It was so much fun working together to decorate the church tonight. There's nothing like a church family. The church looks beautiful. Thank you to everyone who gave their time tonight.

I guess the season is well under way. I've been enjoying the chick flick Christmas movies!!! Poor Pastor! Living with 2 women is not easy. I've done a bit of shopping, but not very much. I've been trying to develop a list - then go do it all at once. Of course, I do that every year, but it never works. I never seem to be able to get all my (ducks) events in a row and planned out. Somehow I seem to have to do them one at a time. It keeps me running. So much for a plan!

How is your Christmas season going? I hope you're getting it all in without too much stress and strain. Some of the things we consider important, really aren't. If we can keep that in mind, we will do better.

Well, I must prepare to go back to school tomorrow. I hate that!! These 5 days off have been great - but gone fast. Good point, though, is that we only have 3 weeks until we get off for 2 more. I love holiday breaks!!!

I hope all of you have a great Monday and a wonderful week. If I haven't told you lately, I love my Sisterz!!! Have a good week!

Sister June

PS - Don't forget about the book study at Patty Ann's Tuesday @ 6:00.

Sunday, November 22, 2009


Well, it is upon us - the holiday season. The stores are bussling, the calendars are bulging, and our pocketbooks are alredy getting thinner! All of this puts our minds in a whirl sometimes. I want to encourage you, though, to focus. Focus on the meaning of these seasons. Customs, traditions, and expectations have made these days much more complicated than they probably should be.

Each year I show my class the Little House on the Prairie premier and then follow it up with their first Christmas. The children always comment on what the family doesn't have - how they were so excited to get a turkey (instead of a constant diet of rabbit), how they each only received one gift and they had to make some of them, how the tree is decorated, ... life was much simpler. But it seems to me, though, that they cherished so much about life. Those gifts were special, the turkey was a blessing, ...

This year, let's focus on the important things and the meaning behind these days and let the rest go. Let's enjoy the holidays like we haven't enjoyed them in a long time.

Happy Simple Thanksgiving! Thank you, Lord, for ALL you given and done for us. We truly are blessed and have so much to be thankful for.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Time, I mean. I was working in my lesson plan book today and flipped the page to see three days marked off for Thanksgiving. It was time to send my note home about the Thanksgiving week activities!!! Where has time gone? It is hard to believe this year is almost past.

That makes me think, though, about what has been also. What have I accomplished this year? It's so easy to let time just slide by and not do anything but the normal routine. We say we don't like the same old, same old - yet we so often fall into the trap of doing it.

I got to thinking about how I want this year to end. What do I want to be able to say about this year? I've got some plans to make and things to do yet. How about you?

Friday, November 6, 2009


What a beautiful week we have had - so refreshing compared to the past weeks. It reminds me of how our life is sometimes. We have the rainy, dreary, cold, blah times that seem as if they'll never go away. We feel "flooded" with so many things and emotions. It simply drains us. Then comes the sun and warmth. The memory of those tough day begins to fade and we once again experience peace and serenity.

So, if you're going through those weary days - maybe it's raining on you today - don't forget that the sunshine and warmth will return. The Lord will see to it!

Blessings to all my Sisterz. I love you.

Sister June

Monday, November 2, 2009


I'm excited about Tuesday night - especially since I didn't get to attend the last session. I heard so many wonderful comments about the last session that I just can't wait to go tomorrow night. I wish everyone would join us. We get so much from this time together and the discussions we share. This new book, Crazy Love, is so good. It is such a great reminder of how much our Lord loves us.

If you can, please try to join us @ Patty Ann's - 6:00. Remember, ordering is optional - so don't feel that you can't come because you don't want to eat. The session is about the book and fellowship - not the meal.

Looking forward to seeing my Sisterz tomorrow night!

Sister June