Thursday, January 14, 2010


Just wondering how your Bible reading is going? I have to admit, I didn't think I would like reading the Bible this way because it seemed as if I was reading 8 books at one time. Well, if you know me at all, I can't do that!!! I'm a one book at a time girl....and even then I have to go back and reread more than once in order to get it. I forget what I've already read! ... or I let my mind start wandering and don't remember what I read! I wonder if I was/am ADD???

I have been pleasantly surprised! I am actually giving more attention to the passages than I have when I read it sequentially! Focusing on only one chapter in that book has caused me to pay closer attention to the contents. I have noticed some vocabulary and facts that I never noticed before. I like this!!!

So, how is it going for you? I'd love to hear from you. Click on "comment" and let me know.


  1. For years I have read Christian novels. I have to read before I go to sleep and always read them then. Now I have no desire to read them (even though there is nothing wrong with them). I just pick up my Bible, no matter how much I have already read during the day. I just want more. LOVE IT. C

  2. God is changing us through this! How Wonderful!
